Take a load off with Circuit this spring

We all know student life is amazing. But sometimes, it can also be a lot. That's why, right through Spring, we’ll be running our new Take a Load Off campaign to help you manage stress, keep your energy levels topped up, look after your pennies, and generally boost your health and wellbeing at uni (and beyond!).

We feel lucky to be part of your time as a student, and want to do all we can to make sure you have the best experience while you’re studying!

With that in mind, make sure you’re following us on Instagram: @circuit_laundry to catch our quick wins, practical top tips, and details of places you can get more help if you need it. We’ve even teamed up with a PT to bring you some simple ways to get moving.

Plus, don’t miss out on our exclusive competition prizes! We’ll be throwing out some free laundry credit and shopping vouchers, all to help take an extra load off.

So, stick around for Take a Load Off, and get ready to live your best uni life this semester.